Halloween ’10

Highlights from Halloween:

-practicing how to trick or treat for the first time…Lucy knocks on the door, holds out her bag and says “share with Grandma?” I fear she’s been brainwashed!

-every house we went to Lucy said trick or treat perfectly, then thank you, and when walking away said “I got more! That’s so nice”

-going up to one house, while holding my hand, Lucy turned around to my Dad and said “I’m scared, Papa, I’m scared!”. Apparently giant plastic pumpkins are scary.

-sitting in her pile of candy that night, she happily shared with all of us, making sure that we all had something we liked :)

Best Halloween ever! And it’s all because of her…


*why yes, that is a hot chocolate stain she got before she went trick-or-treating ::sigh::


Filed under Don't forget this..., Lucy, Milestones

6 responses to “Halloween ’10

  1. emily bilbrey

    cutest ducky EVER!

    happy halloween, lovelies!


  2. What a cute ducky! I didn’t notice the hot chocolate til you mentioned it!

  3. tunja

    I can’t handle how cute she was in her duckie costume! Too bad Uncle Ryan and I missed it :)

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